is cold outside and cold church. It was 28F yesterday afternoon at 4pm, our church meets in the evenings, the building heater was blowing cold air. Guess how cold it was during service. We had 6 brave souls, the "frozen chosen" come for service...and we were thankful for the blankets and the little foot carpets.
In my apartment, praise God I got my heater repaired the first part of December. In the mornings, my apartment is about 52F...I am able to get it up to about 60F by the end of the day. Yes...lap blankets, hot tea, hot water bottle, long underwear...and warm jammies are doing the trick.
Tirana is in the grip of a "deep freeze" weather pattern. Our average high and low temperature for January is 52 F, and 36F. On Saturday, we had a high of 29F and low of 19F, Yesterday it was 36F and 19.7F, today we are forecast for 35F and 16F. Add 30-40% humidity and a 3-4mph breeze...and you have cold
For an area not used to "deep freezing" temperatures...schools are closed, water pipes are breaking and leaving an icy trail in the streets and sidewalks, and the plumbers say it is too cold to repair the broken pipes. There are still several fresh lemons hanging on the tree in my yard...hmm...?
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