Families from all socioeconomic backgrounds receive services from the Jonathan Center.
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day, and the theme for this year is "Let me in, I want Health care". I had the honor of being in the video for Albania...please go to the following link to see all the countries that a part of this celebration in 2014.
The phrase on this banner, in translation says... "We celebrate the colors of life behind an extra chromosome. "
Part of the campaign to bring awareness to Down Syndrome in Albania was the "lots of socks" campaign. We sold one, brightly colored striped sock, and encouraged people to wear it on their jacket, sweater, or lab coat. All of the staff at ABC health center joined in on the fun...wearing the socks for two weeks prior to the celebration.
It was a very busy week for everyone involved...but we were so greatly blessed by the support and energy to increase awareness of the children and their families.